
A High Efficient Method of Downloading GNSS Data Automaticly

  • 摘要: 针对传统的GNSS数据下载方法存在无数据下载的登陆与登出这一缺点,对原始的数据下载方式进行了改进。改进的原理是,事先获取ftp存储路径下的文件名,然后再利用数据下载命令进行数据下载,这样可避免传统的数据下载方式的缺点,大大地提高了数据的下载效率。实际测试的结果表明,改进的数据下载方式与传统的数据下载方式相比,下载IGS数据平均每小时可节约34 min,下载MGEX的数据平均每小时可节约17 min,改进的数据下载方法可有效提高数据下载效率。


    Abstract:  Traditional method of GNSS data download wastes too much time in loging in and out the empty folder. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an improved method. The principle of this method is obtaining the filename of the GNSS data which is stored under the path of ftp in advance, and then using the data download command to download the data. This method can avoid the disadvantage of the traditional method and improve the efficiency of data downloaded greatly. It can be seen from the results of the experiment that this method can save about 34 min in downloading data from IGS and 17 min form MGEX in average comparing to the traditional method. Thus, this method can actually improve the efficiency of data download.


