
Maritime rescue terminal based on BDS short message and emergency position indicating radio beacon

  • 摘要: 针对海上遇险报警终端定位精度和实时性不足等问题,设计一种兼具北斗短报文和紧急无线示位标(emergency position indicating radio beacon,EPIRB)功能的海上搜救终端. 结合指挥中心和相关软件系统,实现遇险快速上报和精确定位. 北斗短报文可以实现终端和卫星之间的通讯. 全球卫星搜救系统(COSPAS-SARSAT)是由国际海事卫星组织推行的海上遇险搜救系统的重要组成部分,通过EPIRB发送的信号,来定位事故地点和事故信息. 将北斗短报文和EPIRB结合,并联合定位模块和温度、心率等传感器. 当持有者遇险时,海上搜救终端会立刻不断向指挥中心发送遇险信息,通过指挥中心解析可对救援任务展开提供支持. 经测试,其动态、静态定位精度达到10 m级;具有北斗短报文,紧急无线示位标通讯功能.


    Abstract: Traditional maritime rescue terminals suffer from insufficient positioning accuracy and real-time performance. A maritime rescue terminal is designed for combines the functions of BDS short message and Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB). Combined with the command center and related software systems, it can achieve rapid reporting and precise positioning of distress. BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) short message communication can send messages between terminals and satellites. The COSPAS-SARSAT is an important component of the maritime distress search and rescue system implemented by the International Maritime Satellite Organization. It uses signals sent by EPIRB to locate accident locations and information. Combine the BDS short message with EPIRB, and assemble positioning modules and temperature, heart rate, and other sensors. When the holder is in danger, the terminal will immediately continuously send distress information to the command center, which can provide support for the rescue mission through analysis by the command center. After testing, its dynamic and static positioning accuracy has reached the level of 10 meters; BDS short message, EPIRB working well.


