
GPS-Based Segmented Elevation Benchmarking Transfer Experiment and Analysis

  • 摘要: 高程基准在测绘应用中的重要性毋庸置疑,GPS定位技术是获取稳定、可靠的高程基准的有效方法.针对如何将GPS大地高转换成正常高的问题,文中提出了一种结合高程拟合模型的分段式高程拟合方法.结合某矿工程数据与整体高程拟合进行对比分析,得出合理分段拟合高程的方法相较于整体式传递效果更佳的结论.


    Abstract: There is no doubt that the elevation benchmarking is an important part of engineering application. Obtaining a stable and reliable elevation benchmark is an indispensable part of engineering construction. GPS positioning technology is a reliable method. In order to solve the problem of how to transform the height of the GPS into the normal high, this paper proposes a segmented elevation fitting method combined with elevation fitting models. Combined with a mine project data and the overall elevation transmission for comparative analysis, some useful conclusions are drawn.


