Study on Influence of Orbital Perturbation on the Visibility of GNSS Satellite System
摘要: 针对GNSS卫星轨道数据受到摄动力的影响产生偏差的现象,研究轨道扰动对卫星可见性的影响.借助STK(Satellite Toolkit)仿真软件,结合TowBoday、J2、J4和HPOP四种轨道预报模型对卫星轨道进行仿真研究;选取TowBoday、J2和HPOP三种模型对星座系统仿真,生成地面测控站对星座卫星的可见性分析报告.仿真结果表明:摄动力会对卫星轨道产生扰动;引入摄动力的轨道方程能解算出更为准确的轨道根数;HPOP模型能更为精确地进行卫星轨道的预报,在该模型下,纬度和经度方向上的最大误差分别为0.076°和0.115°,径向方向上高度最大误差为3.226 km;卫星轨道的扰动对卫星可见性产生一定的影响,最大误差为9.913 s.Abstract: The influence of orbital disturbance on satellite visibility is analysed in view of the phenomenon that the orbital data is effected by the perturbbative force. With STK(Satellite Toolkit), the software of simulation of orbit, the orbit is researched from simulation using TowBoday J2 J4 and HPOP. Choosing Tow Boday J2 and HPOP, the software generate a report that analysis visibility of satellite constellation from ground measurement and control station. The simulation results show that satellitic orbit is effected by perturbation force. The orbit elements computed by perturbative orbit equation is accuracy. As it is more accurate, in HPOP model, the maximum error is 0.076°in latitude and 0.115°in longitude. In altitude, the maximum error is 3.226 km. The disturbances of satellitic orbit can influence visibility of satellite which work out the maximum error was 9.913 s.