
Research on Orbit Accuracy Evaluation Methods for LEO Satellite Precision Orbit Determination

  • 摘要: 厘米级精密卫星轨道是完成低轨卫星承担的科研、商业等任务的必须前提,其中事后轨道精度评定是低轨卫星精密定轨任务中重要一环。依据观测条件和卫星搭载设备等情况,选择合适的精度评定方法有利于客观准确的评估定轨结果。本文以GRACE卫星为例,讨论了内外精度评估方法,得到有益结论,为我国开展后续国产卫星精密定轨任务具有借鉴意义。


    Abstract: Centimeter precision satellite orbit is a prerequisite for completing the science, commercial and other tasks undertaken by LEO satellites, in which post-fit orbit accuracy assessment is one important part of the task. According to observation conditions and carried equipments, selectingappropriate accuracy assessment methods is helpful to evaluate the orbit determination result objectively and accurately. This paper takes GRACE for example, discusses the accuracy of internal and external assessment methods, and gets useful conclusions for the follow-up to China's domestic satellite precision orbit mission.


