The method of local area network timing based on BDS user terminal
摘要: 针对局域网时间授时应用需求,设计了一种基于北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)用户终端的局域网授时方案.通过软件研制,将用户终端的UTC时间导入到局域网计算机,作为局域网参考时间源,再利用网络授时软件进行网络授时,实现局域网UTC时间统一.试验结果表明,基于BDS用户终端的UTC时间引接精度可达200 ms,网络授时精度优于500 ms.Abstract: Based on application requirements of Local Area Network (LAN) timing, a scheme is designed based on BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS) user terminal. With developed software, the UTC time is imported from the user terminal to LAN as a local reference time source. Then the UTC time of local equipment are unified by a LAN timing software. The test results show that the UTC timing accuracy can reach 200 ms, and the network timing accuracy is better than 500 ms.