
Safety assessment of Micius satellite in orbit

  • 摘要: “墨子号”卫星是2011年中科院空间科学战略性先导科技专项首批批准的五颗科学实验卫星之一,旨在建立卫星与地面远距离量子科学实验平台,并在此平台上完成空间大尺度量子科学实验任务.作为一颗科学卫星,它已经为中国在空间量子通信领域奠定了基础,受到国内外的普遍关注.2019年1月起,“墨子号”卫星开始进入延寿期工作,该卫星仍然承担着繁忙的拓展实验任务,包括国际合作实验任务等.“墨子号”卫星在轨空间安全问题成为“墨子号”卫星团队的关注点之一.本文基于国际空间碎片或空间目标数据信息,结合“墨子号”卫星星历数据,仿真了2020年3月17日-3月24日,“墨子号”最可能遭遇的空间碎片或空间目标情况,并给出了一些重要参数结果,对“墨子号”卫星运行具有参考作用.


    Abstract: Micius satellite is one of the five space science pilot projects granted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011,which aims at establishing quantum experiment platform between space and Earth ground, and further carry out a series of quantum experiments in a large scale distance. As a science-devoted satellite, Micius satellite has made a greater advancement in the discipline of quantum communication at an advanced international level. These achievements made by Micius satellite are well known and focused worldwide. As of January 2019,Micius satellite reached its designed lifespan. However, there are a lot of planned extra experiments awaiting to be carried out, including some internationally cooperative experiments schedules. Safety of Micius satellite in orbit has become one of the most concerned foci. Based on space debris or space objects dataset, together with the given ephemeris of Micius satellite, simulations have been carried out during the period spanning Mar.17 and Mar. 24,2020 continuously. The possibilities of collision between Micius satellite and space debris or between Micius satellite and space objects are presented, including some other key parameters about space collision. Such simulations can provide very valuable supports for the operation team of Micius satellite.


