High-precise data processing and analysis of GPS ultra-short baseline and basenet
摘要: 随着全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)接收机、电子全站仪等测绘产品应用程度的提升,现代地理信息产业也不断发展壮大. 基线检校场作为测绘仪器检定的重要标准之一,长期以来为社会各方面发展提供了重要的基础支撑. 针对新建立的超短基线检校场,运用GAMIT/GLOBK软件进行了高精度数据处理. 综合使用周边的国际GNSS服务站(IGS)站、陆态网(CMONOC)参考站,采用不同解算方案分别进行数据处理,并从标准均方根误差(NRMS)值、基线重复性、网平差后点位坐标稳健度等方面进行了对比分析. 结果表明,本次超短基线场的建设符合规范和设计要求. 对于类似的小范围测站网数据解算,采用分级两步法可以得到较高的解算精度,为超短基线场或者类似的区域测站网的高精度数据解算与分析提供了一些可借鉴的经验.Abstract: With the improvement of the application of surveying and mapping products such as GNSS receivers and electronic total stations, modern geographic information industry is continually growing and developing. As one of the important standards for surveying and mapping instrument calibration, the baseline and basenet has provided important basic support for the development of various aspects of society for a long time. This paper uses GAMIT/GLOBK software to process the newly established ultrashort baseline basenet in high-precision, including baseline processing and network adjustment. The surrounding IGS stations and the Crustal Movement Network of China (CMONOC) reference stations are comprehensively used, and three methods are used to process the data separately. Then different aspects including the normalized root mean square (NRMS) value, baseline repeatability and coordinate robustness after GPS network adjustment, we compared and analyzed the difference of these three methods. Results show that this ultra-short baseline basenet meets the specifications and design requirements. For similar GPS data processing from smallscale station networks, the hierarchical twostep method can be used to obtain a higher solution accuracy. This paper provides some useful experience for the calculation and analysis of high-precision GPS data from ultra-short baseline and basenet or similar regional station networks.