
Application research of PTP protocol in radio and television time synchronization network

  • 摘要: 随着广电行业的飞速发展,以串行数字接口(SDI)基带信号为基础技术架构的传统电视信号已经很难满足未来技术发展和业务扩展的需求.得益于现代通信技术的迅速发展以及即将到来的万物互联的5G时代,广电行业也将采用IP化技术来构建新的网络系统.处在向IP化发展的过渡期,广电IP化目前还存在一些亟待解决的问题.为了解决广电系统网络中需要更高精度的同步信号来完成时间同步的问题,本文利用精确时间协议(PTP)时间同步技术在专用以太网中完成时间同步组网,搭建了测试环境并对测试数据进行了分析.测试结果表明,相较于传统的网络时间协议(NTP)时间同步技术,输出PTP信号的准确度能够达到亚微秒量级,完全满足广电行业IP化数字电视系统时间同步信号的高精度需求.


    Abstract: With the rapid development of the radio and television industry, traditional TV signals based on SDI (Serial Digital Interface) baseband signals have been difficult to meet the needs of future technology development and business expansion. Thanks to the rapid development of modern communication technologies and the upcoming 5G era of the Internet of Everything, the radio and television industry will also adopt IP technology to build new network systems. In the transition period to the development of IP, there are still some urgent problems to be solved in the IP of radio and television. In order to solve the problem of requiring high-precision synchronization signals in the radio and television system network to complete time synchronization, this paper adopts PTP (Precision Time Protocol) time synchronization technology to complete time synchronization networking in private Ethernet, set up the test environment and analysis the test data. The test results shows, compared with the traditional NTP (Network Time Protocol) time synchronization technology, the accuracy of the output PTP signal can reach the order of sub-microsecond, which fully meets the high precision requirements of the time synchronization signal of the IP digital TV system in the radio and television industry.


