基于BDS PPP技术的超高层建筑变形监测
Deformation monitoring of super high-rise buildings based on BDS PPP
摘要: 超高层建筑变形监测是后续超高层建筑维护与修缮的重要内容.目前我国北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)已被广泛应用于建筑物的变形监测,本文利用BDS精密单点定位技术(PPP),根据高频超高层建筑BDS变形监测数据,以静态网解算三维坐标为基准,分析超高层建筑复杂环境下BDS数据质量、PPP定位精度以及超高层变形趋势.研究结果表明,在监测时间段内,BDS卫星数多于GPS,空间几何分布精度略低于GPS,观测时间达1 h以上开始收敛,水平向定位精度可以达到1 cm,竖直向定位精度可以达到2 cm,能满足超高层建筑变形监测的精度要求,可为今后的超高层建筑变形监测提供一种新的技术手段.Abstract: Deformation monitoring of Super high-rise buildings is an important part of the subsequent health assessment and safety assessment of super high-rise bulildings. At present, BDS Navigation Satellite System(BDS) has been widely used in building deformation monitoring. Based on BDS precise point positioning technology, this paper analyzes the deformation trend of three high-level monitoring points based on measurements of a super high-rise building in China. Results show that when the monitoring time reaches 1 h, the data starts to converge, the positioning accuracy can reach centimeter level, and the deformation trend of super high-rise buildings can be monitored, which provides a new technical means for future deformation monitoring of super high-rise buildings.