Analysis on the improvement of BDS-3 satellite to BDS global positioning service
摘要: 随着北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)建设与组网工作的不断推进,北斗3号(BDS-3)已开始提供全球定位服务,其定位性能是广大用户关注的主要问题之一. 为了评价BDS在全球各地区定位可用性与精度,本文选取了全球范围内可接收北斗2号(BDS-2)与BDS-3卫星播发信号的44个静态观测站,分别使用BDS-2卫星与北斗2/3号(BDS-2/3)卫星的B1I与B3I信号及其无电离层组合观测值进行标准单点定位解算,同时使用广播星历解算BDS在全球范围的可见卫星数与位置精度因子(PDOP)分布情况. 结果表明,相对于BDS-2卫星,BDS-3卫星可以在全球范围内增加2~4颗可见卫星,同时减小了PDOP值和定位结果噪声,将BDS服务范围从亚太地区进一步扩展至全球. 另外,全球参考站双频无电离层组合可实现水平方向1.5 m、高程方向3 m的定位精度,单频定位也可实现水平2.5 m,高程4 m的定位精度. 本文还进行了手持动态实验,结果表明,BDS-2/3动态条件下可实现水平方向约2 m、高程方向约4 m的定位精度. 总的来说,目前BDS可以实现全球水平方向优于2 m,垂直方向优于4 m的伪距单点定位,满足绝大部分全球用户的定位需求.Abstract: With the continuous development and networking of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS), BDS-3 satellites has begun to participate in the provision of global positioning service. In the case, the positioning performance of BDS has become the main focus of the both GNSS researchers and users. In order to evaluate the global positioning accuracy and availability of BDS, 44 IGS stations which can receive signals from both BDS-2 and BDS-3 satellites are selected in this study for the experiments, standard single point positioning based on B1I, B3I and B1I/B3I ionosphere-free observables are carried out respectively. Meanwhile, the broadcast ephemeris is also used to perform the global distribution of visible satellites and PDOP values of BDS. The results show that BDS-3 increases 2 ~ 4 visible satellites to BDS-2 only solutions with reducing PDOP values and positioning noises. As a result, BDS-3 expands the service range of BDS system from the Asia-Pacific region to all of the world. In addition, in the global scope, horizontal accuracy of 1.5m and vertical accuracy of 3 m can be achieved by using dual frequency ionosphere-free combination while 2.5 m and 4m can also be achieved in the case of single-frequency counterparts. We also implement a hand-held dynamic experiment and the results show that a positioning accuracy of 2 m and 4m for the horizontal and vertical components can be achieved under the dynamic conditions. In general, BDS can provide global positioning service with the accuracy of 2 m and 4 m for the horizontal and vertical directions using pseudorange standard single point positioning, which can meet the positioning needs of most users.