
Quality analysis of BDS/Galileo system satellite observation data

  • 摘要: 卫星导航系统观测数据质量的好坏直接影响到该系统全球化应用进程.本文重点分析评估了BDS/Galileo系统观测数据的质量,选用21个分布在全球各地MGEX观测站2019年年积日66-76日的观测数据,主要从数据可用率、数据完整率、多路径效应等方面对BDS/Galileo系统观测数据进行了质量评估,同时与GPS系统观测数据质量进行对比分析.实验结果表明:BDS/Galileo系统已具备全球定位能力,Galileo系统数据质量稍优于BDS/GPS,BDS和GPS基本上处于同一水平.


    Abstract: The quality of observation data will directly affect the global application process of satellite navigation system. In this paper, the quality of BDS/Galileo observation data has been analyzed and evaluated especially,observation data of 21 MGEX stations around the world from DOY66 to DOY76 of 2019 were used to assess data quality of BDS/Galileo system in terms of data availability, data completeness, multipath effect and so on. At the same time, data quality of BDS/Galileo system was compared with that of GPS. The results show that BDS/Galileo systems have the ability to provide global positioning service for user. The data quality of BDS is comparable to that of GPS and the data quality of Galileo system is slightly better than that of BDS/GPS.


