
Accuracy analysis of BDS-3 pseudo-range single point positioning

  • 摘要: 北斗三号(BDS-3)已经完成基本系统建设,并于2018年12月27日开始正式提供全球服务. 本文选取了全球分布的12个国际GNSS监测评估系统(iGMAS)跟踪站数据,对北斗二号(BDS-2)和北斗三号(BDS-3)及其组合的定位性能进行研究,分析了空间位置精度因子(PDOP)、卫星可见数,以及单双频伪距单点定位精度. 结果表明:BDS-3各频点单频定位精度由高到低的顺序为B1C、B2a、B1I、B3I,BDS3双频定位精度B1C/B2组合优于B1I/B3I组合;在亚太区域,BDS-2/BDS-3相对于BDS2定位精度提升大于14%.


    Abstract: The basic system of BDS-3 has been completed. The global service was officially launched on December 27, 2018. The data of 13 international GNSS monitoring and assessment system (iGMAS) tracking stations were selected.These stations are evenly distributed globally. Pseudo-range single-point positioning studies in different positioning modes were carried out and its PDOP,number of visible satellite and pseudo-range single-point positioning result were analyzed. The results show that: BDS-3 single-frequency positioning accuracy from high to low as: B1C,B2a,B1I,B3I;BDS-3 dual-frequency positioning accuracy from high to low as: B1C/B2a,B1I/B3I. In the AsiaPacific region,the BDS-2/BDS-3 positioning accuracy improvement is more than 14% compared with BDS-2.


