
Influences of different interpolation methods on GPS time series

  • 摘要: 针对现有GPS时间序列研究中不同插值方法对比方面研究不足,文中选取ITRF2008框架下的7个IGS基准站坐标时间序列,按照其缺值情况分为6种方案,分别采用线性插值、三次样条插值、拉格朗日插值和建模插值等6种方法对不同缺值情况下的GPS时间序列进行插值,并对不同方法的插值效果进行对比分析.结果表明,三次样条插值和拉格朗日插值效果较差;当缺值数量较少时,最邻近插值、线性插值、三次多项式插值和建模插值效果相差不大;随着缺值数量的增加,建模插值效果最好.


    Abstract: According to the fact that there is no enough research of the comparison of different interpolation methods in the study of time series, this paper chooses seven IGS reference station coordinate time series under the ITRF2008 framework. According to the absence of GPS time series, there are six schemes, which are linear interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, Lagrange interpolation and modeling interpolation. The interpolation effects of different methods are compared and analyzed. The results show that the interpolation effects of cubic spline interpolation and Lagrangian interpolation is poor; when the number of missing value is small, the effects of the nearest neighbour interpolation, linear interpolation, cubic polynomial interpolation and modelling interpolation are similar; with the increase of the number of missing values, the modelling interpolation is the best.


