BDS RTK/MEMS-INS组合数学模型研究与性能分析

Mathematical model study and performance analysis ofBDS RTK/MEMS-INS integration

  • 摘要: 卫星导航系统和惯性导航系统(INS)具有极强的互补性,两者组合能有效提高导航定位结果的可用性、连续性和可靠性. 随着北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的快速发展和低成本惯导元件(IMU)性能的不断提高,进行基于BDS和低成本IMU的组合导航系统相关理论和技术研究具有很强的研究意义和实用价值. 本文首先对BDS RTK/M-EMS INS组合理论模型进行推导,并利用实测车载数据对组合系统的性能进行分析. 实验结果表明,在BDS中引入低成本IMU,可以在不损失定位精度的同时有效改善测速精度. 组合后在车载动态中定位精度影响为mm级,而速度误差改善在北、东、地方向达到了75.8%、79.5%、66.7%. 此外,在BDS+INS紧组合中使用双频数据可以改善测速定姿精度,速度误差改善为18.2%、33.3%、33.3%,姿态误差改善为41.1%、26.7%、59.0%.


    Abstract: The satellite navigation system and inertial navigation system are highly complementary, the integration of the two systems can improve the usability, continuity and reliability effectively. With the rapid development of the BeiDou system and the continuous improvement of the performance of low-cost MEMS IMU, the study on the theory and technology of integrated navigation system based on BDS and low-cost IMU has strong research significance and practical value. Firstly, the theoretical model of BDS RTK/M-EMS INS is deduced, and the performance of the integrated system is analyzed using the measured vehicle data. The experimental results show that introducing low-cost IMU into BDS can effectively improve the precision of velocity measurement without losing the positioning precision. The positioning accuracy in the vehicle dynamics is mm level, and the RMS of velocity error improvement has reached to 75.8%, 79.5%, 66.7% in the north, east, and vertical components respectively. Moreover, using dual-frequency data in the tightlycoupled integration of BDS+INS can further improve the precision of velocity and attitude measurements, the RMS of velocity error improvement has reached to 18.2%, 33.3%, 33.3%, the RMS of attitude error improvement has reached to 41.1%, 26.7%, 59.0%.


