Fog positioning and its applications
摘要: 全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的发展促进了基于位置服务(LBS)的迅速普及,人们对高可靠、高可信、高精度定位、导航、授时(PNT)服务需求日益迫切.PNT是一个融合多类技术、包括多级系统的体系架构.围绕PNT服务体系优化,国内外学者相继提出了全源导航定位(All source positioning and navigation)、弹性PNT(Resilient PNT)、云定位(Cloud Positioning)等新的架构和技术体系.本文提出以具备通信、计算、存储、定位、感知等能力的异构定位资源为基础设施,通过智能管理与调度分布在不同地理位置的异构定位资源实现用户高可靠、高可信、高精度的PNT信息服务.并由此给出了雾定位(Fog Positioning)与泛源导航定位(Omnipresent Positioning and Navigation)的定义,指出雾定位的定义由分布式计算架构演化而来,强调构成PNT服务体系的架构;而泛源导航定位的概念是从定位技术的发展演化而来,强调利用可获取的泛在导航定位数据源进行协同融合处理,实现泛在定位的能力.在此基础上,通过与云定位比较,指出雾定位是云定位向用户端的延伸,是定位资源的泛在化实现,同时雾是一种动态的、弹性的云,因此雾定位是一种具备“弹性”性能的PNT架构.而泛在定位是PNT信息服务发展重要目标,雾定位给出了实现这一目标的潜在手段,即泛源导航定位.最后,结合城市环境、室内环境等复杂场景,研究了雾定位/泛源导航定位的基本服务模式.Abstract: With the development of GNSS, the LBS (Location Based Service) has been popularized rapidly. Meanwhile, people’s demand for PNT service with high reliability, high credibility and high precision is increasingly urgent. PNT is a system which integrates multi-technology and multilevel systems. Focusing on the optimization of PNT service, domestic and overseas scholars have put forward several new architectures and technical systems such as All Source Positioning and Navigation, Resilient PNT and Cloud Positioning. This study states, that with heterogeneous positioning resources which are capable in communication, calculation, storing, positioning and sensing as infrastructure construction, PNT service with high reliability, high credibility and high precision can be realized by intelligent management and scheduling of heterogeneous positioning resources distributed in different geolocations. Further, the definitions of Fog Positioning and Omnipresent Positioning and Navigation are given. It is argued that the definition of Fog Positioning is evolved from distributed computing architecture and emphasizes the architecture for PNT service. While the definition of Omnipresent Positioning and Navigation is evolved from the development of positioning technology and emphasizes the ability to realize omnipresent positioning by collaborative fusion processing of omnipresent positioning resources. On this basis, by comparing Fog Positioning with Cloud Positioning, this study points out that Fog Positioning is the extension of Cloud Positioning towards the user side and the omnipresent realization of positioning resources. Meanwhile, Fog Positioning is one kind of dynamic and elastic cloud, so Fog Positioning can be seen as a PNT architecture with the property of elasticity. Omnipresent positioning is an important target of PNT architecture, and Fog Positioning gives the potential means for this target, e.g., Omnipresent Positioning and Navigation. At last, this contribution analysis the basic service mode for Fog Positioning or Omnipresent Positioning and Navigation under the city environment and indoor environment.
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