
Positioning performance analysis of a low-cost μ-blox single-frequency multi-GNSS receiver

  • 摘要: 随着大众市场对高精度定位需求增加,基于低成本小型化设备的全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)高精度定位成为研究热点之一. 本文以低成本多系统GNSS接收机μ-blox M8P型号为例,分析其观测数据质量,研究其伪距单点定位和单频载波相对定位的定位性能和特点,为低成本GNSS接收机高精度定位应用提供参考. 实验结果表明,与测量型接收机相比,μ-blox输出GNSS观测值的载噪比略小,伪距和载波相位的测量噪声较大. 静态模式下,μ-blox的单频载波相对定位(基线长度约为430 m)可以提供厘米级的定位精度;城市环境动态模式下,其单频载波相对定位可提供亚米级至米级的定位精度. 信号受限环境下,GPS/GLONASS双系统能够提供更稳定的定位结果.


    Abstract: In recent years, high precision positioning of low-cost miniaturized GNSS receiver has been a hot topic on account of the big surge of high precision positioning in mass market. In this paper, we analyse the quality of GNSS observations and evaluate the positioning performance of a new low-cost, single frequency, multi-GNSS receiver μ-blox M8P in different scenarios with different processing strategies, providing reference for high precision positioning of low-cost GNSS receiver. The experimental results show that the carrier to noise ratio of GNSS observations of μ-blox is lower than that of geodetic receiver and the pseudorange and carrier phase noise are higher. In static mode the low-cost GNSS receiver can achieve a high performance with a precision of centimeter level from short baseline relative positioning. In dynamic urban vehicle test the low-cost GNSS receiver can provide a precision of sub-meter to meter level with short baseline relative positioning. In a signal-constrained environment, the GPS/GLONASS combined positioning can provide more stable results.


