By using the GPS-VTEC data observed at Wuhan station (30.5N, 114.4E) of Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) from 2008 to 2015, the variations of ionospheric Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) are analyzed, and the VTEC correlation with solar activities are discussed. Results show that the diurnal variations of GPS-VTEC show a peak value at about 14:00-16:00LT; meanwhile, VTEC shows day-to-day variability of ionospheric characteristics, a large difference exists especially in the VTEC peak. During high solar activity years (2011-2015), VTEC presents double-peak structure, that is, the so-called Semiannual anomaly, the Spring peak value is greater than the Autumn peak, and Winter anomaly is also more obvious during this period. Among all seasons (except for the Spring), the variation of GPS-VTEC correlated best with the F
10.7p, followed by the F
10.7, and then the SSN. The correlation between the daytime VTEC and the solar activity is superior to the correlation between the night-time VTEC and the solar activity. The correlation between VTEC and the solar activity is the best in Autumn(Max
F10.7p=0.92232, Max
SSN=0.85575), while the worst in Winter(Min
F10.7p=0.79028, Min.