
GNSS leveling method research suitable for third and fourth order level requirements in engineering surveying

  • 摘要: 针对传统水准测量效率不高而全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)静态测量所得大地高又被闲置的问题,给出了提高高程测量精度的方法和相应措施.通过对模型组合的选定,开发了双模型高程异常计算软件.基于三、四等水准测量的技术标准,提出在卫星定位静态测量中相应的观测要求,经过在全国多个不同地方的施工现场验证,实现了卫星静态测量达到三等水准测量的精度.研究实验结果表明:对工程测量中三等及以下的高程控制测量任务,按文中静态测量要求,并运用双模型高程异常计算软件,可以与平面控制测量同时轻松完成.


    Abstract: In response to the problem of traditional level measurement being inefficient and the geodetic heights obtained from static GNSS measurement being left unused, this paper investigates the methods and relevant measures to improve the accuracy of elevation measurement. The author initially develops the dual model software for calculating height anomaly through the selection of model combinations. Then, the author proposes the corresponding observation requirements in satellite positioning static measurement on the basis of the technical standards of the third and fourth order leveling, and achieves the third order level accuracy in satellite static measurement through on-site verifications in multiple places across the country. The experimental results of the study show that, for elevation control measurement tasks of third order level accuracy and below in the field of engineering measurement, the dual model height anomaly calculation software can conveniently facilitate the completion of such measurement tasks together with plane control measurement and fulfil the static measurement requirements specified in this paper.


