
Analysis on the effect of calibration of satellite accelerometers on smooth GRACE orbit dynamics

  • 摘要: 本文分别以美国喷气推进实验室(JPL)发布的GRACE卫星约化动力学轨道和ITSG发布的几何轨道作为观测值,利用动力学法分析星载加速度计校准对轨道平滑结果的影响,弧长固定为24 h.对比结果表明:以ITSG发布2009年5月1日的几何轨道作为观测值的结果可知,偏差参数采用一阶项15 min估计一次、尺度模型为对角填充的策略可以提高轨道平滑的精度,得到的动力学轨道与JPL发布的约化动力学轨道残差在X方向、Y方向和Z方向的均方根(RMS)值分别为1.89 cm、1.76 cm、1.56 cm.


    Abstract: This paper takes the GRACE satellite reduced kinetic orbit published by JPL and the geometric orbit published by ITSG as observations, respectively. The influence of Calibration of onboard accelerometers on track smoothing results is studied by dynamic method. The arc length is fixed to 24 hours. The results show that the accuracy of the integral orbit can be improved by using the-first-order bias estimation strategy with 15-minute and the diagonal filling strategy of the scale model. The RMS values in X direction, Y direction and Z direction are 1.89 cm、1.76 cm and 1.56 cm, respectively.


