Design of bionic fish control system based on BDS for water quality inspection
摘要: 随着工业技术和机器人技术的高度发展,基于仿生学原理的机器人研究成为热点,仿生机器鱼作为一种水下航行器引起了许多科研工作者的兴趣.2020年,北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)全球组网新时代开启,本文针对定时定点采集水质数据耗费人力物力的问题,提出一种基于BDS的仿生鱼控制系统,实现对水质的远程检测,该仿生鱼系统由嵌入式控制板STM32作为主控制器,负责接收各类传感器的数据并且处理,基于BDS定位、导航、授时和双向短报文通信功能,实现仿生鱼自主游动、避障、定深水质检测和将数据实时传输到远程监控端等功能.该设计可以提高工作效率,具有较好的应用前景.Abstract: With the rapid development of industrial technology and robot technology,robot research based on the principle of bionics has become a hot project.Bionic robot fish has attracted the interest of many scientific researchers as an underwater vehicle.Now that a new era of global networking of the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System has begun,this paper proposes a bionic fish control system based on the BDS to realize the remote detection of water quality.The embedded control board STM32 as the main controller is responsible for receiving and processing data from various sensors.Based on BDS positioning,navigation,timing and two-way short message communication functions,it can realize autonomous swimming,obstacle avoidance,deep water quality detection and real-time data transmission to remote monitoring and other functions.This design can improve work efficiency and has good prospect for application.