
The optimal configuration and simulation of BDS GEO satellites precise orbit determination

  • 摘要: 北斗三号(BDS-3)的地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星提供多项特色服务,但其精密定轨精度较低,除了高轨及静地特性以外,全球监测站的构型是影响其定轨精度的重要因素. 本文基于卫星定轨的基本原理,将观测方程线性化;利用正交三角函数,将几何精度因子(GDOP)参数化并投影到地面,以监测站构型方式表达;采用嵌套圆锥构型,得出监测站分布与GEO卫星定轨精度之间的关系;最后进行仿真实验,得到了一类理论上监测站构型的最优解.


    Abstract: The BDS-3 GEO satellites provide a number of unique services, but the accuracy of its precise orbit determination is poor. In addition to high altitude and constant position, the monitoring stations configuration is also an important factor of GEO satellites orbit determination. Firstly, the basic principle of orbit determination is introduced and the observation equation is linearized in this paper. Secondly, The GDOP value is parameterized by using orthogonal trigonometric functions and expressed in the configuration of the monitoring stations. Thirdly, the relationship between stations configuration and the accuracy of precise orbit determination is analyzed according to nested cones. Finally, the simulation experiments are carried out, and a kind of optimal solution is concluded.


