不同截止高度角下BDS/GPS/GALILEO 多模组合SPP 解算性能分析

Performance Analysis of Multimode SPP Solving for  BDS/GPS/GALILEO at Different Cut-Off Height Angles

  • 摘要: 文中选取MGEX跟踪站部分测站的2016年2月1日1天的观测数据,在截止高度角分别为5°、15°、25°、30°、40°、45°的情况下,分析BDS(C)、GPS(G)、GPS+BDS(GC)、BDS+GALILEO(CE)、GPS+GALILEO(GE)、GPS+BDS+GALILEO(GCE)六种组合模式的单点定位(SPP)的定位性能. 研究结果表明:GPS+BDS+GALILEO(GCE)组合稳定性最好. 同一高度截止角下,卫星数目最多,历元可用率最高,为96%,相比其他模式,定位精度提高了20%~40%. 在建筑物密集区、山区、树林和遮挡严重的区域具有很好的应用价值.


    Abstract: This paper selects the observation data of February 1st, 2016, which is part of the MGEX tracking station, in the case of cut-off elevation angles of 5°, 15°, 25°, 30°, 40°, and 45°, respectively,This paper analyzes the positioning performance of single point positioning (SPP) of six combined modes of BDS(C), GPS(G), GPS+BDS(GC), BDS+GALILEO(CE), GPS+GALILEO(GE),and GPS+BDS+GALILEO(GCE). Research indicates: the stability of GPS+BDS+GALILEO(GCE) is the best. At the same height, the number of satellites is the highest, the rate of epoch availability is highest, which is 96%, compared with other combination modes, the positioning accuracy increased by 20%~40%. It has good application value in denselypacked areas, mountains, forests, and areas with severe shelter.


