
Analysis of Atmospheric Pressure Changes During ENSO Using GNSS Occultation Data

  • 摘要: 厄尔尼诺-南方涛动事件(ENSO)会引起全球大气压强的异常变化. 应用2006年至2008年期间全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)掩星数据,采用几何光学反演法计算地面高度2 km处的大气压强变化,将厄尔尼诺期间(2006年12月)、拉尼娜期间(2007年12月)与正常年份(2008年12月)之间的全球大气压强求差,分析大气压强变化. 实验结果表明,利用GNSS掩星数据通过绘制全球范围某一高度的大气压强变化剖面图,可以直观地展现出ENSO期间的大气压强变化,为相关的气候变化研究提供便利参考条件.


    Abstract: The El Nio-Southern Oscillation event (ENSO) causes anomalous global climate and also causes abnormal changes in the global barometric pressure. The traditional atmospheric pressure detection technology has the problems of high cost, lack of data in the marine area and uneven distribution. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes to study the changes of atmospheric pressure during the ENSO by using the global atmospheric pressure retrieved from the GNSS occultation data. In this paper, GNSS occultation data from 2006 to 2008 are used to calculate the change of atmospheric pressure at 2 km by geometric optical inversion. The global atmospheric pressure difference among El Nio (december 2006), La Nia (december 2007) and the normal year (december 2008) is taken as the difference and the change of atmospheric pressure is analyzed. The experimental results show that using the GNSS occultation data to draw a map of atmospheric pressure changes at a certain height on the global scale, the atmospheric pressure changes during the ENSO can be visually demonstrated, providing a convenient reference for relevant climate change research.


