
Remote Sensing Analysis of Surface Coverage of Typical Urban Areas around Dianchi Lake

  • 摘要: 滇池作为滇中最大高原湖泊,其水环境保护及水污染治理工作至关重要. 针对滇池周边典型城镇地表覆盖变化,发挥遥感探测技术先进性,快速了解污染源,并实时监测滇池污染治理工程进展,为及时优化治理方案提供数据支撑具有重大意义. 选取滇池周边晋宁区典型城镇为研究区,基于Landsat8影像利用遥感提取地表覆盖分类信息,运用混淆矩阵对比了最大似然法和目视解译的分类提取精度. 可知Landsat8影像通过目视解译可以快速、高效地提取城镇地表覆盖分类信息,也适用于滇池流域昆明市区、呈贡区等城镇,为滇池流域治理保护的宏观动态监测提供技术支持,为滇池流域城镇的发展、规划和治理提供决策信息.


    Abstract: As the largest plateau lake in Yunnan province, Dianchi Lake plays an important role in water environment protection and pollution control. For surface coverage change of typical towns around Dianchi Lake, there are some things which have great significant for providing data support for timely optimization control scheme, such as remote sensing detection technology, quick understanding of pollution sources, and realtime monitoring of Dianchi Lake pollution. Selecting an typical town Jinning as research area, which is around Dianchi Lake, and based on Landsat8 to remote sensing image of surface coverage classification information extraction, use confusion matrix compared with maximum likelihood method and visual interpretation for classification accuracy. From this article, we can know that Landsat8 image can be quick and efficient extraction of urban surface cover classification information through visual interpretation. Landsat8 also can ve applied to Kunming and Chenggong, both of them are in Dianchi Lake watershed. This article prouioles technical support of management of Dianchi Lake watershed protection of macroscopic dynamic monitoring,amd also provides decisionmaking information for planning and management evelopment of the town in Dianchi Lake watershed.


