
An Indoor Geomagnetic Positioning System Based on Smartphone

  • 摘要: 研究分析了手机传感器和室内地磁场的性质后,针对室内定位问题提出了一种基于客户端服务器架构的定位系统.因智能手机大多搭载了能够收集地磁信号的三轴磁通门传感器,提出了两种构建位置指纹的方法:将地磁传感器的数据水平化,或是结合方向信息和地磁数据构建混合位置指纹,并通过将定位区域划分为网格的方式构建定位基准图.针对两种位置指纹设计了基于欧几里得距离的匹配算法.最后,在Android平台部署应用并进行实验,分别对比了两种位置指纹的定位准确度、地磁匹配速度,实验结果表明系统能够达到1 m的定位精度.


    Abstract: After studied smartphone’s sensors and indoor magnetic field, an indoor localization system based on Client/Server architecture is designed. With the three axis fluxgate geomagnetic sensor, we can collect geomagnetic signals and establish fingerprint in two different ways: coordinate transformation of the three axis geomagnetic data with the assist of the data of gyroscope; combination of geomagnetic data and azimuth information. Then, generate the grid map as the indoor positioning reference map, and design geomagnetic matching algorithm based on euclidean distance. Finally, the application is deployed on the Android platform and experiments are conducted, then compare accuracy and matching speed in different location fingerprint. The experimental results show that the system can achieve a positioning accuracy of 1m.


