
Application of BeiDou Satellite Navigation System in Wave Energy Self Powered Marine Buoy

  • 摘要: 北斗卫星导航系统具有精确定位、精密授时和短报文通信的功能,能够很好地切合目前海洋监测设备的所需。设计了一款波浪能自供电的海洋浮标,通过北斗卫星导航系统能够对其进行准确的定位和授时,同时对浮标的监测数据进行可靠的传输。文中简要介绍了波浪能自供电浮标结构及运行原理,重点分析了北斗卫星导航系统在本浮标定位、授时和监测数据传输中的应用,为我国海洋监测装备发展提供了新的思路。


    Abstract: BeiDou satellite navigation system as satellite navigation system designed by china,can well meet the needs of current marine monitoring equipment with precise positioning, precise timing and short message communication functions, This paper designs a marine buoy that can be selfpowered by wave energy, accurate positioning and timing of marine buoys can be achieved through the Beidou satellite navigation system, and reliable information transmission on the buoy monitoring data.This article briefly introduces the wave energy selfpowered buoy structure and its operation principle, and focuses on the application of BeiDou satellite navigation system in positioning, timing and monitoring data transmission of this buoy, and which has provided new ideas for the development of marine monitoring equipment in china.


