Construction and Accuracy Test of the Four Constellation Satellite Navigation and Positioning Service System in Shenyang
摘要: 从沈阳市卫星导航定位服务系统从双星平台升级至四星平台的建设实际出发,简要说明了系统升级的各项要点,并对系统升级后的服务精度情况进行了测试,为今后同类型的卫星导航定位服务系统升级改造提供了一定的经验。Abstract: From the construction of satellite navigation and positioning service system from double platform upgrade to a fourstar platform of reality in shenyang, a brief description of the key points of the system upgrade, and the accuracy of the service system after the upgrade is tested, then we provide some experiences for the transformation of the same type in the future satellite navigation service system upgrade.