
Fast and Precise Measurement on the Railway Track by GNSS/INS

  • 摘要: 研究了利用GNSS/INS组合导航技术实现铁路既有线轨道绝对位置的快速精密测量方法,以便携式轨检小车作为移动平台搭载惯性测量单元、全球卫星导航系统、里程计和轨距尺模块,在运动过程中测量载体的三维坐标、姿态,结合轨距测量值推算轨道中线的精确三维坐标. 该方法对高精度轨道控制网依赖程度低,采用移动测量模式,作业效率高。在徐郑无砟高速铁路的实测结果表明,GNSS/INS组合导航系统平面测量精度优于6 mm(RMS),高程测量精度优于15 mm(RMS),可用于既有线线型恢复。


    Abstract: A fast precision measurement method for the existing railway based on the GNSS/INS integrated technique is presented in this paper. The system consists of the IMU, GNSS module, odometer and track gage sensors carried on the railway track trolley. In the surveying process, GNSS/INS system calculates the precise coordinates of track midline by using the carrier coordinates, attitude and gauge information. This method uses the rapid mobile surveying model and does not depend on the high precision track control network. The results of field tests on the XUZheng highspeed railway nonballastedtrack show that the measuring errors are less than 6 mm (RMS) and 15 mm (RMS) in the horizontal and vertical directions. And this method can be used for the recovery of existing railway.


