
Dynamic Positioning for Flexible Pods of UAV Based on Pseudolites

  • 摘要: 针对旋翼无人机的吊舱精确动态定位困难的问题,文中利用24 GHz无线测距装置作为伪卫星定位设备,采用扩展卡尔曼滤波来应对伪卫星动态定位算法中的非线性问题。实测结果表明,利用文中提出的伪卫星系统及算法对无人吊舱进行动态定位,在平面和垂直方向都可以达到的较高的定位精度,具有重要的实际应用价值。


    Abstract:   In order to solve the problem of difficulty in accurately locating pod of rotor UAV, this paper uses 2.4 GHz wireless ranging device as a pseudolite positioning device, and uses extended Kalman filter to deal with the nonlinear problem in the dynamic positioning algorithm of pseudolite. The experimental results show that using the pseudolite system proposed in this paper and the algorithm to locate the unmanned pod dynamically, it can achieve high positioning accuracy both in the plane and in the vertical direction, which has an important practical application value.


