
  Research of Local Model of Weighted Mean Temperature of CORS Water Vapor Retrieval in Qingdao

  • 摘要: 作为区域连续运行参考系统(CORS)反演大气可降水量的关键参数——大气加权平均温度,时空特性明显。为了提高区域CORS反演大气可降水量的精度和可靠性,利用青岛探空站2009-2011年3年的探空数据,分析得到地表温度Ts与加权平均温度Tm的相关系数R为0.877 6,为强线性相关;采用回归分析建立了青岛地区加权平均温度模型;利用该模型计算青岛地区2012年加权平均温度,与由探空数据计算的加权平均温度的平均偏差、标准差和均方根误差分别为0.307 K、3.359 K和3.384 K;将该模型应用在青岛CORS反演大气可降水量的计算中,与临近探空站计算的大气可降水汽相比,平均偏差、标准差和均方根误差分别为0.70 mm、3.48 mm和3.53 mm.研究表明,应用区域探空数据建立加权平均温度模型具有可行性,并可以在一定程度上提高区域CORS反演大气可降水量的精度和可靠性。


    Abstract: Atmospheric weighted mean temperature is a key parameter in CORS water vapor retrieval, and its variations are obvious in both time and space. In order to improve the accuracy and reliability of the atmospheric CORS, the surface temperature Ts and the weighted mean temperature Tm acquired by radiosonde station during 2009 to 2011 in Qingdao are analyzed. The correlation coefficient R of Ts and Tm is 0.877 6, which is strong linear correlation. The weighted mean temperature model of Qingdao area is established by regression analysis, and the weighted mean temperature in 2012, Qingdao is calculated. Compared to the weighted mean temperature calculated by radiosonde data, the average deviation, standard deviation and root mean square error are respectively 0.307 K, 3.359 K and 3.384 K. The model is applied to CORS water vapor retrieval in Qingdao, and the average deviation, standard deviation and root mean square error are respectively 0.70 mm、3.48 mm and 3.53 mm. The results show that it is feasible to apply the regional radiosonde data to establish the weighted mean temperature model and to improve the accuracy and reliability of the regional CORS water vapor retrieval to a certain extent.


