Influence of Sampling Distance on Positioning Accuracy of WiFi Fingerprint Positioning
摘要: 在Android平台上利用WiFi信号强度特征进行定位,定位系统由安卓客户端、Tomecat服务器以及MySQL数据库组成。基于信号强度指示(RSSI)的WiFi指纹定位在离线阶段建立的指纹数据库受采样间距的影响,因此采样间距必然影响指纹定位的精度。为了探究采样间距对WiFi指纹定位影响,在教室内进行实验,选取不同采样间距进行基于RSSI的WiFi指纹定位实验和分析,以定位的精度和时效性作为定位结果的衡量标准,实验表明,在室内环境下,采样间距为3 m的时效性较高且定位精度也能满足要求。Abstract: On the Android platform, we design and use WiFi signal strength characteristics to locate. The location system in this paper is made up of Android client, Tomecat server and MySQL database.Based on the RSSI WiFi fingerprint positioning in the offline establishment of the fingerprint database by the sampling distance of the impact, the sampling distance can inevitably affect the accuracy of fingerprint positioning. In order to explore the effect of sampling pitch on WiFi fingerprint positioning, the experiment is carried out in the classroom. Select a different sampling interval to carry out WiFi fingerprint positioning, and we measure the positioning accuracy and timeliness as the positioning result. Experiment results show that: in indoor environment, the sampling interval is 3 m,the timeliness is higher and the positioning accuracy can meet the requirements.