
Data Quality Analysis of CORS in Heilongjiang

  • 摘要: 为掌握黑龙江省CORS(HLJCORS)系统的数据质量,利用TEQC软件对HLJCORS各基准站2017年全年的数据进行了全面的质量分析与统计。结果表明,HLJCORS系统的数据质量整体较高,这为基准站重点维护提供了参考依据。


    Abstract: In order to understand the data quality of the HLJCORS, we use TEQC software to process the HLJCORS data in year 2017 to get a comprehensive analysis and statistics. The results indicate that the data quality of HLJCORS is high which it provides a reference for the key maintenance of the base station.


