
Research on Navigation Information Confrontation of GNSS

  • 摘要: 卫星导航手段的成功应用深刻地影响着现代信息化条件下的作战模式,针对卫星导航的信息对抗对未来战争影响巨大。研究了GNSS框架下导航信息对抗方案和需要解决的关键技术问题,并利用卫星导航信号模拟器、GNSS接收机、组合导航设备等进行了相关技术试验,得到了有意义的结论,为导航战提供了参考。


    Abstract:   The successful application of satellite navigation has a profound impact on the operational mode under the modern information-based condition. The information confrontation effect on the satellite navigation has great influence on the future war. Study on the scheme of GNSS navigation information confrontation and need to solve the key technical problems and the related technology test using satellite navigation signal simulator, GNSS receiver, integrated navigation equipment.Meaningful results are obtained, providing a reference for the navigation information Confrontation.


