
Test and Precision Analysis of BeiDou Ground  Augmengtation System

  • 摘要: 文中主要结合南宁市北斗地基增强系统示范区项目实际,对该系统在南宁地区的时间可用性、RTK定位精度(包括加密站间之后效果)、空间可用性等进行了测试。测试结果表明,南宁市北斗地基增强系统满足全天候95%覆盖南宁市厘米级RTK定位精度要求,GPS+BDS组合较单GPS、单BDS在隐蔽环境下的RTK定位时间可用性得到明显提高,参考站点的加密也有助于提高系统的时间可用性。


    Abstract:   To Combining with the Nanning BeiDou ground-based augmengtation system demonstration project actual production pyactice,the test of time availability, RTK positioning accuracy(including the effect after encryption station) and spatial availability had been done.The results show that the Nanning BeiDou ground-based augmengtation system meets cenmetre order for RTK positioning in all-day and 95% coverage of Nanning area.Compared with single GPS and single BDS,the combination of GPS+BDS in reliability.time availability fo RTK positioning under the hidden environment is improved obviously.


