
Solving Integer Cycle Ambiguity of GNSS Attitude Instrument by Nulling Antenna Array

  • 摘要: 由多个单元天线组成的GNSS调零天线阵通常用于在大功率干扰信号来波方向上形成天线波束方向图零点,以此来抗压制性干扰。采用此调零天线阵所自然形成的二维短基线,按照电子侦察中多基线干涉仪测向原理,通过短基线的相位差测量值来解GNSS姿态仪长基线的相位差模糊,从而实现了GNSS姿态仪的整周模糊度的实时解算。该方法通过GNSS姿态仪与调零天线阵的组合应用,不仅提高了解模糊的性能,而且增强了整个系统抗干扰反欺骗的能力,从而为GNSS姿态仪和调零天线的拓展应用提供了重要参考。


    Abstract: The GNSS nulling antenna array with multiple antenna cells is usually used to form the beam null in the direction of jamming with large power. This is an effective anti-jamming method. Here the 2D short baselines in a nulling antenna array are utilized. According to direction finding principle of multi-baselines interferometer in electronic reconnaissance, the measurement result of short baseline is naturally used to solve the phase difference ambiguity of long baseline for GNSS attitude instrument. In this way the integer cycle ambiguity from GNSS attitude instrument is removed in real time. In this method GNSS attitude instrument is combined with nulling antenna array. It enhanced not only the speed for ambiguity removing, but also the anti-jamming and anti-deception ability of the whole system. It is an important reference for the application development of GNSS attitude instrument and nulling antenna array.


