
Analysis of the Impact of Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit on BDS Triple-frequency Single-epoch Baseline Resolution

  • 摘要: 针对倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)是特殊的地球同步圆轨道,轨道稳定性较好,可以覆盖高纬度地区的特点,研究了北斗三频单历元基线解算中IGSO卫星对其精度的影响。采用内蒙古地区和安徽地区的两条短基线,在GEO和MEO卫星的基础上,按可见性增加一颗IGSO卫星参与解算。实验结果表明:增加1~3颗可见性较好的IGSO卫星时,模糊度解算成功率最高,且定位精度最佳;增加4~5颗IGSO卫星时,模糊度解算成功率和定位精度相对于1~3颗均有所下降。


    Abstract: IGSO is a special geosynchronous circular orbit with good track stability, long control period, and can cover the high latitudes. On the basis of this, the influence of IGSO satellites on the accuracy of BDS triplefrequency singleepoch baseline resolution is studied. This article uses two short baselines in Inner Mongolia and Anhui, on the basis of the GEO and MEO satellites, an IGSO satellite was added to participate in the solution increase by visibility. The experimental results show that when adding 2-3 IGSO satellites with good visibility, the success rate of ambiguity resolution is the highest, and the positioning accuracy is the best; compared with the addition of 1-3 IGSO satellites, the ambiguity resolution success rate and the positioning accuracy were decreased when 4-5 IGSO satellites were added.


