Using Bernese To Calculate Ground Based GPS Zenith Delay
摘要: 主要介绍利用Bernese软件解算天顶总延迟的方法,及遇到的一系列问题和解决方法,意在为以后更加深入研究GPS数据反演大气可降雨量做准备。通过对拉萨站、上海站、台湾站、长春站4个IGS测站天顶总延迟的数据对比,相同时期不同地区天顶总延迟存在较大差异,在相同地区不同时间天顶总延迟也有所不同。Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the method of using Bernese software to calculate the zenith delay and how to solve the problems, which is intended to prepare for Ground-based GPS inversion of the applied research of atmospheric precipitation.The delay of zeniths in different regions in the same period was significantly different from that of the four zeniths in the CHAN、TWTF、LHAZ. The total delay of the zenith at different times in the same area was also different.