A Cycle Slips Detecting Algorithm for GPS Single Frequency RTK
摘要: 针对传统码-载波相位周跳探测方法应用于单频RTK时,存在的对小周跳不敏感、易受码观测噪声的影响等问题,本文提出一种多普勒观测值辅助的单频周跳探测方法。该方法将连续两个相邻历元多普勒观测值与载波相位差分观测值相结合,以构造实时周跳探测的多普勒-载波相位差分序列。然后应用假设检验方法,检测单频载波相位观测值是否存在周跳。实测数据分析表明:本文提出的方法能够准确探测单频载波相位观测数据中的小周跳,且该方法对周跳探测的灵敏度比传统码-相位差分序列方法更高,适用于单频RTK定位技术。Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the traditional code-carrier phase cycle detection method is applied to single frequency RTK, which is not sensitive to small cycle slips and is susceptible to observation noise, the thesis presents a single frequency cycle slip detection method with Doppler observations supporting. And this method combines two consecutive epochal Doppler observations with carrier phase difference observations to construct a Doppler-carrier phase difference sequence for real-time cycle slip detection. Then the hypothesis-test method is applied to detect whether there is a cycle slip in the single frequency carrier phase observations. Finally, the measured data shows that the method proposed in the thesis can accurately detect the small cycle slips in the single frequency carrier phase observation data, and the detection sensitivity of the method is higher than that of the traditional code-phase difference sequence method, which is suitable for single frequency RTK positioning technology.