Impact Analysis of Long-distance Real-time Dynamic Differential Positioning Based on Ephemeris Type
摘要: 随着流动站远离基准的距离,其间的距离超过30 km,流动站往往无法获得固定解,为实现实时远距离动态差分的实时处理,往往选择GAMIT软件中的实时运动学处理模块TRACK,获得实时位移序列。为解算流动站的坐标并提高其精度,测绘工作者几乎选择事后精密星历(IGS)。但IGS星历时延迟很长(一般12 h),为提高时间效率,本文在处理流动站的数据时,分别使用了快速星历(IGR)和事后精密星历(IGS),通过比较两者结果高度吻合。研究结果表明GAMIT软件解算GNSS站的测站坐标、天顶延迟、钟差等的数据精度与选择精密星历的类型几乎无关,对测绘人员选择星历具有重要的参考价值。Abstract: The roving station often can’t obtain the fixed solution when it is more than 30 km between the distance of them with distance away from the reference station. To achieve the real-time processing of the real-time dynamic difference over a long distance, the choice of the GAMIT software almost real-time kinematic TRACK processing module, real-time deformation sequence. TRACK module of GAMIT software is almost chosen to process real-time dynamic difference data over a long distance to achieve real-time deformation sequence. Surveying and mapping workers almost all choose IGS to calculate the of coordinates of roving station and improve the precision of coordinates,but time delay of IGS ephemeris is very long (generally 12 hours), the efficiency of time is low. To solve the problem, the authors do experiments that using the rapid ephemeris (IGR) and precise ephemeris afterwards (IGS) are respectively process the data of roving station. The results of experiments are highly. corresponding. Research results show that has very little to do with choosing the type of precise ephemeris which is used the TRACK module of GAMIT software is used to process data accuracy of station-coordinates, zenith delay and clock error etc. The conclusion has important reference value to surveying and mapping workers in the aspect of improving the time-efficiency.