
An Influence Analysis of High-order Ionosphere on GPS Precise Point Positioning

  • 摘要:  随着GPS卫星轨道、钟差及各种误差修正模型的不断精化,静态精密单点定位(PPP)定位精度达到mm级,进行电离层延迟高阶项较小量级的误差改正研究,对改进PPP数据处理策略具有重要的参考价值。本文利用分布在不同地理纬度的5个IGS跟踪站3天的观测数据,对比分析了电离层延迟二阶项、三阶项对GPS观测值精度及静态PPP定位精度的影响。分析结果表明,电离层延迟二阶项、三阶项对GPS观测值精度的影响分别为cm级和mm级,对低纬度地区PPP定位精度的影响大于3 mm,但对中高纬度的测站观测值、定位精度的影响比低纬度地区小很多。


    Abstract:   With the continuous refinement of GPS satellite orbit, clock error and various error correction models, carrying out the study on the highorder ionospheric error correction of static Precision Point Position (PPP), which has an important reference value for improving the processing strategy of PPP observations. The influence degree of highorder ionospheric error on the accuracy of GPS observations and static PPP is analyzed and compared, using the observations from 5 IGS tracking stations, during January 7-9, 2013. The results show that: 1) the influence of the second-order and the third-order of the ionospheric error on the accuracy of GPS observation are cm level and mm level, respectively; 2) the influence of the high-order ionospheric error on the accuracy of GPS PPP is more than 3 mm in low latitude. But the influence degree on the accuracy of the observations and PPP in middle and high latitudes is much smaller than that in low latitudes.


