
  High-rise Buildings GPS Data Processing Based on Wavelet Analysis

  • 摘要:   采用GPS进行高层建筑物实时动态观测被认为是有效的方法,如何处理海量GPS振动观测数据是一个重要的问题。本文根据GPS振动观测数据特点,将小波分析技术应用于GPS振动观测数据处理,研究了不同小波基、分解尺度、阈值选择对观测数据去噪的影响,获得了有益的结论。


    Abstract:   Using GPS to hightime dynamic observation is considered to be effective, how to deal with massive amounts of GPS observation data vibration is an important issue. In order to improve the automation of process GPS data, based on GPS observation data vibration characteristics, wavelet analysis technology was applied to the GPS observation data processing in this paper. The impact of different wavelet decomposition scales and wavelet bases and threshold criterion to GPS observation data derise buildings, beneficial conclusions are obtained.


