
  Distributed Processing of GNSS Network’s Baseline VectorsBased on Hadoop

  • 摘要: 对于海量的GNSS观测数据,常规的集中式数据处理方法面临着计算效率低的问题,利用Hadoop平台技术分布式解算基线的方法可以有效地解决这一问题。通过划分子网,调用GAMIT软件并行解算基线,63个IGS站计算结果表明,3个计算节点的加速比达到了6.67,平差得到的坐标点精度在毫米量级。


    Abstract:  For the massive data of GNSS observation, the method of conventional centralized data processing is facing the problem of low computational efficiency, distributed to process the baseline by using the technology of Hadoop platform, which can solve this problem effectively. By dividing the subnet, calling the GAMIT software to process the baseline in parallel, the result of 63 IGS stations shows that the acceleration ratio of the three compute nodes is 6.67, and the accuracy of the coordinate points is in the order of millimeters.


