
Construction and Practice of Embedded Teaching Experiment Platform for Satellite Navigation

  • 摘要:  针对目前导航工程专业卫星导航课程实验教学中存在的对学生系统分析解决问题能力与创新能力等的培养不足问题,将卫星导航与嵌入式系统集成开发相结合,设计建设了软硬件相结合的卫星导航嵌入式教学实验平台。详细介绍了该实验平台的软硬件构建方案以及实验课程内容建设。该实验平台已投入实际实验教学中并取得了良好的教学效果。


    Abstract:  Aiming at the problems which lack of training students ability such as cultivation comprehensive analysis of problem solving ability and innovation ability in the satellite navigation experimental teaching of Navigation Engineering, based on satellite navigation and embedded system integrated development, an embedded teaching experiment platform of satellite navigation combining hardware and software is designed and constructed, The hardware and software of the experimental platform and the construction of the experimental course are introduced in detail. The experimental platform has been put into practical teaching and achieved good teaching effect.


