Beamforming Technique in Anti-Jamming Compass Receiver by Exploitation of Cyclostationarity
摘要: 当前国内外卫星导航信号空域抗干扰技术,或者需要信号到达角(DOA)信息,或者需要参考信号先验信息,或者会对导航信号和干扰同时抑制,无法形成最优的输出信干噪比(SINR),或者仅对白噪声干扰有效,无法抑制人造干扰。针对上述问题,本文提出了基于循环平稳特性的北斗抗干扰盲波束形成新算法。本文首先分析了人造干扰和北斗信号的循环平稳特性,基于此分析构造了新的盲波束形成算法的代价函数,并采用了拉格朗日方法推导了算法的解。该方法无需DOA和参考信号先验信息,可以形成阵列增益,得到最优输出SINR,可以同时抑制宽带白噪声干扰和人造调制干扰。理论分析和仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性。Abstract: Although many antijamming methods in space domain have been proposed for satellite systems in the literature, they require the prior knowledge of DOA and reference signals, or cannot output optimal SINR since those algorithms suppressed both the desired signal and interference, or cannot mitigate the manmade interference. To counter the problems above, a novel blind beamforming method based on cyclostationarity of satellite signal is proposed in this paper for antijamming Compass Receiver. First, the cyclostationarities of compass signal and manmade interference are analyzed in the paper. An objective function based on the analysis results is constructed for the proposed method. Finally, the Lagrange method is used to obtain the solution. Compared with the existing methods, the proposed algorithm need not the prior knowledge of DOA and reference signals, can obtain the optimal array gains, and can suppress both the white noise interference and manmade intergerence. Theoretical analysis and simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.