Design of BeiDou System for Ocean Fishing Cabin Online Monitoring
摘要: 随着国际远洋渔业的迅速发展,国家对远洋渔业也日趋重视。远洋渔船作为其中最为重要的组成部分,其自动化程度将会直接体现我国在远洋渔业上综合竞争力。我国自主研发的北斗卫星导航系统集定位、导航和双向短报文通信为一体,特别适用于远洋渔船在线监测领域。本文主要介绍在对渔船监测中引入北斗系统的作用及意义,以北斗系统为媒介加强渔船与陆地的互动能力,实现实时将船舱采集数据以及当前渔船位置传输至陆地渔政部门,使得陆地渔政部门能更加快速地获取船只机舱的运行状态,从而加强我国远洋渔船体系的自动化程度。Abstract: With the rapid development of international distantwater fishery, Chinese government invests more resources on distantwater fishery. The overseas fishing vessels play an important role on the distantwater fishery, the degree of automation on overseas fishing vessels directly reflects the national competitiveness in the distantwater fishery. As an independent research and development of our country, Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) includes the function of positioning,navigation and twoway short message communication; it’s very suitable for ocean fishing cabin online monitoring system. This paper describes the role and significance of the BDS applied in the monitoring of fishing vessels, the BDS is the media to strengthen the ability of connection between fishing vessels and land control center. Realize transmitting realtime data of the cabin and current location information of fishing vessel to the land, Thus the application makes the fisheries administration can more quickly get cabin’s operating status of the fishing vessels. It will enhance the automaticity of distantwater fishery vessels system in China.