
 Design of Management and Control System of Feeding in Shrimp Farming Based on BDS

  • 摘要:  水质长期实时监控对于水产养殖具有极其重要的作用,为此设计了一套基于北斗卫星定位系统的移动式水质监测系统,根据虾塘养殖特点有针对性地选取了需要检测的溶解氧、PH值、温度、电导率等水质参数进行实时在线检测。通过数据采集模块获取虾塘实时水质参数信息,再经专家系统智能判断虾塘水质动态,科学进行水质管理、饲料投喂以及科学养殖等。


    Abstract:  Realtime monitoring for long time has an important role on aquaculture water quality, shrimp farming is developed based on the BDS of mobile intelligent feeding system in this paper, According to the characteristics of shrimp farming,we select dissolved oxygen, PH, temperature, electrical conductivity for realtime online detection of water quality parameters. Through the data acquisition part of the water quality parameters of HaTang realtime information, then through the control parameters in the process of expert system of intelligent judgment bait casting, achieve precise and effective feeding.


