The Application of Cubic Spline Interpolation for the Leo Satellite
摘要: 本文选用三次样条函数对北斗高轨卫星的轨道数据进行插值计算,结果表明,三次样条函数基本没有龙格现象,但插值模型中含有明显的随机性系统差,因此本文采用附加系统差的最小二乘配置,对三次样条的插值结果进行处理,使精度提高了10倍左右。Abstract: The cubic spline interpolation function is selected to calculate orbit data of the GEO or IGSO satellite in this article. The results of the cubic spline function do not show the runge phenomenon, but the interpolation model contains obvious randomness of the system error. So we take least squares configuration to process the result of the cubic spline interpolation.The result manifests that the accuracy is improved by more than about 10 times.