
Positioning Performance Comparison and Analysis on BDS Dual and Triple Frequency Static Precise Point Positioning

  • 摘要:   针对目前仅北斗全星座提供三频观测数据,而不同线性组合模型影响精密单点定位(PPP)精度和收敛速度的问题,本文着重推导了北斗三频无电离层最优组合精密单点定位数学模型,以此为基础,采用大量实测数据进行北斗双频、三频静态PPP实验。结果表明,相比于北斗双频静态PPP,北斗三频静态PPP在收敛速度和定位精度上有所提高,绝对定位精度可达2~3 cm,与GPS双频精密单点定位水平相当。


    Abstract:  At present, only the BDS provides triple frequency observation data, and different linear combination models of observation data influence positioning accuracy and convergence speed of Precise Point Positioning (PPP). This paper deduced the optimal mathematical model of BDS three frequency ionosphere free combination PPP, and carried out experiment of BDS dualand triple frequency static PPP, using a large amount of measured data. The results show that, triple frequency static PPP obviously improves the positioning accuracy and convergence speed, compared to the BDS dualfrequency static PPP. BDS triple frequency static PPP can reach absolute positioning accuracy of 2~3 cm, with dualfrequency GPS PPP levels.


