
   Discussion on the Coordinate Maintenance of BDS Monitoring Station   

  • 摘要:  北斗二代卫星导航系统(BDS)监测站建设是在北斗一代的基础上进行的,为方便管理,监测天线安装在各监测站楼顶上,稳定性不够,同时北斗二代卫星导航系统目前采用的2000中国大地坐标系,归算误差较大。本文针对这些问题,分析了北斗卫星导航系统监测站由时变效应引起的位置变化量和地表沉降对监测站坐标维持的影响,论述了目前时变效应处理方法存在的误差的量级,讨论了美国GPS所使用的WGS-84坐标框架的维持与更新方法。最后,结合北斗卫星导航系统监测站的建设现状,从监测站的建设、数据处理等方面提出了建立测站坐标时间序列,维持北斗卫星导航系统监测站坐标的可行性方法,并提出了意见与建议。


    Abstract:     The monitoring stations of BeiDou 2nd generation navigation satellite system are built based on the 1st generation system, for the convenience of management, monitoring antennas are installed on the roof of the monitoring station. So their stability are not enough. At the same time, the coordinate system of BeiDou 2nd generation navigation satellite system is 2000 China Geodetic Coordinate System (CGCS2000) at present and the calculation error is out of range. According to these problems, the effect of timevarying and ground subsidence are analyzed in this paper, and the error order of magnitude processed by methods of time varying effect is also pointed out at present. We discuss the initial implementation and refinement realizations of the World Geodetic System 1984(WGS84) frame, which used as the terrestrial reference system for GPS. Finally, for the situation of BDS monitoring stations, we propose to set up coordinate time series through Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) continuous observation to maintenance the coordinate of monitoring station. Some suggestions are put forward for the monitoring station construction, data processing etc


